Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee has been formed in the organization since 2008 to provide safe working environment for women.
There is a committee of 12 members. Meetings are organized twice a year. Urgent meetings can be held as per the need of the situation.
Regular training programs and sessions on sexual harassment and its laws are being organized from 2007 till now. This has been explained comprehensively. This program has benefited 3705 women till now.
Self defense training has been taken by the young girls and women of various training courses in the institute like Sewing, Beauty Parlour, Nursing assistant, Computer trainees, female staff and newly joined female staff of the organization. Training has also been done with school girls as per demand.
Apart from this, information about the “Anti-Sexual Harassment Committee” of the organization is being given to the newly joined staff in the induction program and to the male and female staff, in various workshops held in the organization and they are made to understand that the men and women maintain mutual trust in each other’s dealings.